Michael Simpson in Bielefeld, Germany has found his old swimming certificates:
Michael, the reason for contacting you is that my old swimming certificates
have turned up - I sent copies to the Archivist a couple of years ago, but I
have now found the originals. I have scanned them and am sending them to you for
interest, maybe they were no longer issued in your time, and you may not have
seen them. I wonder if anyone else has kept them.
I remember that one point was issued to the House of the boy concerned towards
the Reid Cup for each Certicate passed, so we were chased off to the Lido in
Gosport each summer term to practice and pass the tests. I hated it. All I
remember about Gosport Lido is that the water was always freezing cold - didn't
we have any hot summers then? We certainly had some extreme winters. Actually, I
can remember some hot summers days. I must have passed these test in 1953, 53
and 54.