Chris Bard (1964-1971) - Head Boy

Chris Bard

Chris Bard, know to many of us with both awe and affection simply as 'The Bard', passed away on 2 September 2007. 
He was, while at Prices, a poet, a sketch-writer and performer, a comedian, an impresario, and an inspiration.  
He went on to become a Canon in the Church of England and a hugely popular broadcaster on BBC Local Radio, as can be discovered at : Press release and at Chris Bard tribute

Kevan Bundell (1966-73)

Duke of Edinburgh Gold Awards

I had contact with Graham Hartridge through the Friends Reunited website the other day. He sent me the attached picture of (left to right) me, Fred Pitt (deceased), himself and Roger Fisher. The picture was taken after we received our D of E Gold awards. I was pleased to received this from Graham as I lost all my school pictures in 1974 in a cyclone. You may also like to retain it for the SOP website as I don't think you have too many from our era.
Regards . . . David Astley (1959-1966)

Michael Simpson - 1952

Michael Simpson writes:
... It must have been a Friday, because most of the boys are in CCF uniform. These were all boys out of my form at the time, I think either 3a or 4a - probable 1952 or 1953, but my memory may be playing me up. By a lucky chance I wrote the names of the boys on the back, and they are as follows:
Top left on his own: Herbert (Surname)
Back row: Brian "Bryl" Newman, Neville Tully Middle row: Michael Croad, Calendar, "Poppets" Payne, Front row: Shepherd, Leach, Rands The photo was taken on the grass bank leading down to the playing field.
I am amazed that this photo has survived.
Mike Simpson

Prices School from Echo 6th July 1971