The Society of Old Priceans

Remembering our Founder, William Price jnr and his Charity, Price's Grammar School and Price's College, Park Lane, Fareham

Founded by his Will Dated 24th August 1721.

The Park Lane site was closed and demolished in 1989

school house
teaching block

Our Next Event

Avenue 141

AGM and Lunch, Fareham College and Avenue 141

Thursday, 3rd October 2024 at 11.00am

Details to follow

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51 school

Two Important Books relating the story of William Price jnr and his School are now available online

The History of Prices School

A fully revised and updated second edition of the "History of Prices School"

Buy from Amazon

A Good Price for Fareham

The life and times of William Price, his family and the estate which funded the School

Buy from Amazon

The Will of William Price 1721 300th Anniversary Luncheon

Celebrated on Saturday 21st and Sunday, 22nd May 2022

Memories of a remarkable weekend here...

Celebrating 301 years

The Society celebrated in 2022 the tercentenary of the Will of William Price jnr
A series of Newsletters was produced - links below
David Goldring updates his Tercentenary work here...


Membership is £10pa and is open to anyone with a connection to the School or College.   
To complete an application form please follow the link below

The History of William Price

Excellent and detailed research into the life and Will of William Price together with a family tree can be viewed here on WikiDot

Phillip Reynolds
Chairman of the Society

George Ashton
Headmaster 1934-1959

George's Photos are here:

President Patrick Nobes
with Eric Poyner Headmaster 1959-1979

RAF Christmas Lunch 2023

Another very successful and enjoyable lunch hosted at the RAF Club by kind invitation of Sqd Ldr Ian Virgo

Photos from the lunch here...

Derek Marlow fellowship
Derek Marlow Award

The Society was pleased to award the honour of "Fellow of the Society" to former Chairman and current Vice President, Derek Marlow for his 25 years of service to the Society.

Derek played a major role in co-ordinating our 2021 Celebrations as well as many other events including the 2024 Summer Lunch

Mayor Pal Hayre
Summer Luncheon

President, Patrick Nobes, with Fareham Mayor, Pal Hayre, at the 2024 Summer Luncheon

Photo gallery from the event here...
Patrick Nobes recalls Prices from 1941-1951

A rich variety of stories and recollections can be found here...

Bob Askew, with the permission of his family, has put together an anthology of poems from Tony Johnson, who died recently, here:

Poem download

Society of Old Priceans

Copyright © 2024 · All Rights Reserved · Email: Hon. Secretary