Digby James sends some photo memories. 

Can I interest you in the two attached images for the Old Priceans web-site? One is the 1969/1970 upper sixth (I'm at the back somewhere). I could probably name about half those pictured with some effort. Kev O'Carroll's in the middle somewhere. I notice that he's been making comments on the web-site. The last time I saw him was probably 1972 when he came and stayed the night in my college digs in order to see The Doors play at college (sans Morrison who was dead by then). The other picture is a CCF parade day from, I would guess, 1968. Again, I could name a few. Steve Chappell is in the middle I'm behind him to the left. Osborne (with an 'e') is the corporal on the left. I could never remember his first name because everyone called him 'Spaz'.
-- _________________
Dr Digby L. James

Back Row: ???, Brian Gamblin, Steve Withers, ???, Steve Dear, Paul Hawes, Pete Orme, Martin Allen, ???, ???, 'Harry' Roberts(?), Pete Long, Wallace, Ian Scott (behind), Nick 'Boris' Miller (head down), Christopher Tuck, Michael Palmer, Martin Courtney, ???, Digby James, ???, ???, Colin Stevens-Hoare, Hugh Smith, ???, Ken Giles, Clive Nicholson, Rob 'Stan' Unwin

Third Row: Mike Osbourne, Dyer, Kev O'Carroll, Kelvin Parker, Chris Cottrell, Pat Gatland, Steve Kimber,Roger Bartlett, Mike Crawshaw, Steve Chappell, ???, ???, Richard Corby, Tony Beaton

Second row: Ian Reid, Knott, Pete Border, Mark Burrows, ???, ???, Mark Burgess, Nigel Balchin, Beasley(?), ???, Martin Rouse(?), Christopher Derrick, Brian Cariss

Front Row: Nick Cotton, Keith Wilks, Steve Reddaway, Roger Lynch, ???, Eric Poyner (headmaster), Tom Hilton (deputy headmaster), Mike Dashper, Fred Croker, Christopher Bard, Bob Lee, Brian Moxey

Digby's list:

Here's the list (above) I've got on my web-site which I think fills in some gaps. I've just tried naming everyone for my own site

Chris Starr is definitely NOT there. He was in the lower 6th that year. Having failed maths and physics in 1970 I had to stay on for another year and got to know him quite well.

Brian Moxey offers:

 Price's 6th Form  - 1970                                                      
2 Back Rows ? Brian Gamblin ? ? ? Paul Hawes Pete Orme Martin Allen Steve Dear Pilkington Pete Long ? Wallace Ian Scott Nick (Boris) Miller Christopher Tuck Michael Palmer Martin Courtney Digby James Jan Nagy ? Hughes   Ken Giles Clive Nicholson Rob "Stan" Unwin ? ?
In order of heads                                                        
3rd Row Mike Osborne Mike Dyer Kev O'Carroll Kelvin Parker Cotterell? Pat Gatland Steve Kimberley Bartlett? Crawshaw Steve Chappell ? ? Richard Corby Alan? or Tony? Beaton                            
2nd Row Ian Reid/Read Graham Knott Pete Border Mark Burrows ? ? Burgess Nigel Balchin Beasley Chris Starr? Martin Rouse? Christopher Derrick Brian Cariss                              
1st Row Nick Cotton Keith Wilkes Steven Reddaway Rodger Lynch ? Eric Poyner Tom Hilton Mike Dashper Alan Croker Chris Bard Bob Lee Brian Moxey                                

just seen the 1970 6th form picture, and have got around 50% of the names for anyone who may be interested:
Front row, left to right
Cotton? Ward? Steven Reddaway Roger Lynch ???? Eric Poyner Tom Hilton Mike?Dashper
Alan Croker   Sadly he died some years ago of a brain haemorrage I believe.
Chris Bard, last heard of in Ventnor, I.o.W. I think. He's a vicar.
Bob Lee, lives in Crocketford, Dumfries.
Brian Moxey
Second row, l - r
Ian Reid "the computer"! Knott Pete Border Mark Burrows ???? ???? Burgess Nigel Balchin ????
Chris Starr possibly ???? ???? Brian Carriss
Third row, l - r
Mike Osborn, who digby only remembered as "spaz"!  Went into forestry comission I think.
Mike Dyer Kev O'Carroll Kelvin Parker ???? Pat Gatland Steve Kimberly ???? Mike Crawshaw
Steve Chappell ???? Richard Corby Alan(?) Beaton
Fourth row, l - r
???? ???? ???? Pete Orme Martin Allen next six unknown,
then down in the gap is Jan Nagy, who is up here in Scotland, according to one of my daughters, who was at school with one of his! next three unknown Possibly Colin Stevens-Hoare ???? ???? Possibly Rob Unwin
Back row, loosely behind the fourth
Brian Gamblin ???? ???? Steve Dear, still in the area as the Chief Environmental Health Officer I think.
Pete Long. somewhere in Northampton area, and a millionaire. ???? ???? Behind Jan Nagy is the supplier of the picture, Digby James.
I hope this is helpful to some of the members, please pass it on.

Hi Michael,
A few more names following on from Kev and Robin.

Second row next to Nigel Balchin is Beasley, that is not Chris Starr
next to him.

Third row on my left, is Cotterell ?, between Steve Kimberely and Mike
Crawshaw is Bartlett, end of the is Tony Beaton.

Fourth row  between Richard Corby and Tony Beaton is Clive Nicolson.

Loose back row next to Steve Dear is Pilkington, on the left of Pete
Long is Ian Scott (I.R.). On the left of Digby James are Scammel and
Hugh Smith (behind oon either side of Collin Stevens Hoare).

Kelvin Parker
Robin Ward writes:

Just a few remarks on the 6th form photo:

As far as I remember we referred to Cotton (front row, left) as Nick (his initials were R.N.). Second from the left in the front row is not me (I left in December 1969 after staying on after the summer to do my S levels), but Keith Wilkes. Mike Dashper is certainly correct (so the question mark can be removed). Burgess's Christian name was I believe Mark. Brian Carriss's surname is spelt Cariss. The second from the left in the back row (the back row being loosely construed as everyone standing at the back) is Brian Gamblin, the sixth from the left Paul Hawes. I remember that Rob Unwin was often referred to as "Stan". I recognise some of the other "missing persons" too but unfortunately just can't put a name to them.

- Robin

Ian Virgo (1964-71) writes:
Front right is Bob Lee and Brian Moxey (end) Behind Tom Hilton is Nigel Balchin Roger Lynch is two to the right of Eric Poyner Back row second from left is Brian Gamblin

Nigel Balchin adds:
Having studied the photo supplied by Digby I attach my effort.
First row standing from left
Read, unknown, Pete Border, Mark Burrows, far right Brian Carriss,
Second row standing from left
Osborne, Dyer, Kev O’Carroll, Kelvin Parker, 3 unknown, then possibly Bartlett (not sure about this one), Crawshaw,  Steve Chappell, 2 unknown, Corby, Tony Beaton
 Sitting front row on Bob Lee’s right is Chris Bard, and next to him I think is Crocker.  On his right is Mike Dashper

Brian Kellett adds:
Sixth form 1970 photo: back row, 6th from the left is Paul Hawes (son of
the rector of St Mary's church, Rowner, Gosport).

A friend came across this - I am Paul Hawes' wife (top row, 6 from left. If you want to see what we are up to, look on our web site (see below!). I knew quite a few of the lads in Paul's year as we knew each other as 15 year olds - I went to Bay House, Gosport.

Alyson Hawes