School Judo Team 1972/3

John Tompkins (seen below middle row third from left) writes:

Hi Michael,

The black and white photograph was taken in the gymnasium at Prices, whilst we were trying to break the world record for continuous judo training in 1972 or 1973. We broke the previous record of about 24 hours and raised about 200 - 300 pounds to buy a new mat.

Unfortunately, the Judo Instructors were all from the Royal Navy, all from the same establishment, The main instructor was called "Rod" Their whole ship was posted up to a base in Scotland so the Judo club folded in about 1974.

I can't remember that many names,
Top Row 3rd from Left was a boy called Smith, his father was a Teacher at Prices who taught mathematics. I am middle row 3rd from Left. Front row 2nd from Left is Chris Davies. I also remember that there were two brothers in the photo, Top row 1st left and bottom row, 6th from left.

From Howard Cook...

Dear Michael,
I saw the website and that you were looking for photographs.
Here is the school judo club from about 1972/3.  Ieun "Bones" Jones, myself - Howard "Buzby" Cook, Paul Smith and Jerry Beats in the back row.

Howard Cook

From Bob Herbertson...

Dear Michael,
Regarding the Judo Club photograph on your excellent website - I am just in front of Jerry Beats, and I think the chap on my left was called Bob Champion.
It also appears that my mother used Daz for extra bright whiteness!

Bob Herbertson (1971-76)

Annapolis, Maryland

The colour photograph was taken at a grading which was held in  a social club at Fawley Oil Refinery. in about 1972.  As you can see all of the boys have the Prices Badge on their Judo suits.

I am still trying to locate the original press cutting.  When I find it I will email you a copy.  

Best regards
