Very welcome photographs supplied by Eric Brown, Chemistry staff 1965-71.
He writes -
here are some open day shots (don't know what year) and the Chemistry staff replete with very dirty lab coats! Also two shots from G&S productions with Girls' GS.
Alexander (Sandy) Cameron writes:
On the Chemistry Lab 1970 page, that's me, earnestly demonstrating pH to three eminent chem teachers! I'm assuming it was during my first year at the school - I only did chem for two years - so it was either 1970 or 1971.
Mr Brown was my teacher in the first year (Mr Andrews in the second).
I also recognise (DJ) Cole from my class in one of the other photos - bottom picture, boy on the left without a tie!
Hope this useful.
Alexander ('Sandy') Cameron 1970-1977
The masters from left to right are David "Gremmy" Stevens, David Bowler and Eric Brown